Monday, November 30, 2009

Media Meditation #7: Hulu

Seing as my roomate and I somehow managed to break our TV, we now have no TV in our room; which really does not bother us because even when we had a TV we lost our remote control for three weeks straight. I actually hardly ever watch TV now that I am in college. However, when I do want to watch a TV show I use Hulu, an online website which allows people to watch older and the most recent TV show episodes for free and even advertises for other companies.
The main TV shows that i am interested are Entourage, Californication, and It's Always Sunny in Philadelphia. However, because Entourage and Californication both belong to premium cable channels, they are not available on Hulu, but just about every other show, new or old, can be found on Hulu. In fact, "Hulu now offers 3,000 full-length episodes of archived television shows, including ones as old as Alfred Hitchcock Presents from 1995" (170).
Hulu is only one of hundreds of TV and movie streaming websites. Another site i use to watch movies is Project Free TV. There are shows that originally aired for a limited time on TV first such as Arrested Development, and then was re aired online and became one of the most popular online viewed moves and had dedicated fans. (170).
TV in general is an epistemological shift, therefore Hulu is another medium which demonstrates an epistomological shift and delivers messages through shows instead of written texts. Also, because there is a new medium it is a technological shift as well. It is delivering the asme show and same message in a different computer mediated communication medium.
Hulu itself is also a Economic Shift because it allows companies to advertise through Hulu because Hulu has commercial breaks in the shows. All the different advertisements use different Persuasion tips as well depending on the company.

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