Sunday, November 29, 2009

Media Meditation #5: Music

After purchasing my new Macbook last month, I was at a loss for music as well as my other files. Typically, I use torrents and other downloading programs such as, IsoHunt to get all my music; however, due to the fact that I just got a brand new PC I was not in a rush to start downloading junk. Usually, i would be able to get the music off of my Ipod and save it to my PC prior to uploading music files through iTunes, but I do not know how to do this with a mac. As an attempted solution, my friend Nick offered me his external hard drive to use to transfer my music, which worked perfect.
In addition to transferring my music, I was also able to take all of his music as well. Nick introduced me to several different genres and artists that I have never heard and gave me thousands of songs. So I decided, why stop here with Nick's music and had several other friends give me their iTunes libraries as well. In fact, when i first attempted putting all the music I obtained into my iTunes library, I got an error message because there was too many files and could not all fit.
Today's advanced technology offers endless opportunities and seems as if it can make anything possible. This is an example of a technological shift. We are dependent on technology and media and one day technology may be the dominant power that is the foundation for living.
Also, sharing music is a medium and a way to communicate with other individuals. I was opened up to massive amounts of new music, some I like some I don't, but I appreciate it all and find my own Individual meaning, which was inflicted on me from others.
Mgmt, the soundtrack to burlington, was introduced to me through sharing music with others. Here is one of there popular singles.

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