Wednesday, September 23, 2009

My Introduction

As my page clearly states, I'm Ian. I'm originally from Milford, CT but am loving Burlington so much more. I am majoring in mass communications, and enjoy all of my classes so far. Although I am not completely sure as to what I would like to do for a career, I am interested and thought about pursuing advertising. As a communication major I am surrounded by technology even more so than the average person, specifically the media if I am going to do advertising.

1. Web 2.0 is already capable of so much and has everything readily available. Technology has come such a long way, I can not even imagine what Web 3.0 will be able to do and how convenient it can make life.
2. Blogging has also become very popular and was a key role in the elections. Bloggers were able to update as necessary online. Bloggers were able to promote, fund an advertise the election. Blogging is now very popular online and people are able to create their own blogs on hundreds of different sites, such as Blogs can also become an invasion of privacy issue because they are available to an everyone. 3. The media has become so relevant that it overpowers and surrounds us. The media shapes our societies culture and our individual lives. The 'big mac theory' suggests that because people are so surrounded by the media they lose taste for finer qualities in life.

I am using my tool sets when ever I now view something. It is easiest for me to notice the persuasive techniques used in advertising.

I want to be able to understand subliminal messages. I also want to be able to notice and comprehend them in advertisements, movies, etc.

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1 comment:

  1. A satisfactory first blog post, Ian.

    Interesting choice for a blog title - very FEED-like.

    To make this post excellent, add hyperlinks and more embedded video.


